
About Us

PT Indotech Suryatama Abadi "Indotechsa" merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Informasi Teknologi dan Desain yang berada di Kota Bogor, kami berdiri tahun 2017. PT INDOTECHSA melayani beberapa pekerjaan di bidang Informasi Telnologi seperti Devlope Sistem untuk sebuah perusahaan, Hosting Domain, Desain Motion/Grafis, Hardware maintenace Konsultan IT dan lain-lain


Let us go forward in this battle fortified by conviction that those who labour in the service of a great and good cause will never fail.

Future Produk

Akana is a point of sale application product that runs on the Windows and Android operating system. Akana is perfect for controlling your business, Akana is a versatile cashier application.

Really great product and highly recommended!

Our consumer

Our Partners

In our business journey, we have carried out many collaborations with other companies and institutions. 

Our News

We cannot be separated from the world of Information Technology, its development will never end, with new discoveries and innovations every day. Following is our news regarding the journey of Indotechsa and all the latest news from the world of technology.

Cash For Work Program

Get in Touch

Want to know more about us, consult with us, we may be able to help your business. Click the WhatsApp chat on the bottom right or contact us by clicking the blue button below. We will contact you within 1x24 hours. You can also download our company profile in the white button below. Thank you.